Time to Turn Tour
Thank you for participating in Time To Turn. You will find the sound file for the walk below. Save this page to your favorites or download the file to your phone to have access to it during the walk.
Don’t start listening until the time guide tells you to. So just a little patience!
Choose “listen in browser” unless you use SoundCloud often.
If your mobile data is limited, we advise you to download the file via WiFi.
Common problems
The Time To Turn Tour always works. Some problems you may run into:
SoundCloud wants me to login
Choose “Listen in browser.” If you use SoundCloud regularly, logging in is a good alternative. If the app is on your phone, but you never use SoundCloud, delete the app and try again. You can always download the audio file.
The file falters
Maybe you are walking somewhere with poor mobile reception? If you can, download the file.
I had to re-start the file and now I don’t remember where I was
No worries! Find the right moment calmly. We will be waiting for you at the end of the tour.
Het scenario van De Tegentijd is geschreven door Merlijn Twaalfhoven en Jasper Visser. Het script is ingesproken door Merlijn Twaalfhoven, Laura Mentink en Ami Kane met muziek van Merlijn Twaalfhoven. Foto’s op deze website: Sebastiaan de Groot.
Merlijn: merlijn@turnclub.org
Jasper: jasper@stichting2030.nl
Boekingen: miriam@turnclub.org
De Tegentijdse Beweging (petje.af)
The Turn Club
Stichting 2030